Assistant Principal’s Message
Little drops of water, little grains of sand make the mighty oceans and the pleasant land.
On the magnanimous occasion of the launching of our school web site on the 60th anniversary I feel as elated as a torch bearer of the Olympics. I joined Thulhaadhoo School just this year and here we are on the verge of a milestone episode in the history of our school.
As a matter of fact the onus of the progress of the school should be delegated to the continuous omnipresence of the parents and the members of the staff and last but not the least the students, since the inception of the school. The sense of belonging, the oneness and the sincere effort of the islanders have made the school achieve numerous goals.
Our school is a successful spec in the Maldivian educational collage. It has shown remarkable progress at the Ordinary Level examinations and also in the field of co-curricular activities. It is true that if somebody wishes or craves dearly for something, then whole universe conspires to let that happen. Similarly when the whole island with so many earnest wishes act unidirectional then the fulfillment of it is indelible. I as a spokesperson of our school do heartily thank all significant and comparatively insignificant iota of our institution of the present and from the past.
It is their full-fledged belief that they had put in, way back along the past years which bearing the delicious fruits of success. I also take this opportunity to seek more and more from each and all so that our school becomes the best and the whole world comes to know of it by the help of our web site. In the modern age of information technology Internet is the easiest way to link ourselves with the wide world beyond, so I sincerely request all the students to give in their necessary inputs to the web site to make it more and more lucrative and famous. Thanks to all of you, tomorrow may be I will not be here amongst you physically, but my sincere efforts and wishes will always be with you wherever I am.