Welcome to our website!


Assistant Principal’s Message

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Little drops of water, little grains of sand make the mighty oceans and the pleasant land.

On the magnanimous occasion of the launching of our school web site on the 60th   anniversary I feel as elated as a torch bearer of the Olympics. I joined Thulhaadhoo School just this year and here we are on the verge of a milestone episode in the history of our school.

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Our  Core  Values

We  are  caring
We  are  self-disciplined
We  are  good  collaborators
We  love  learning
We  are  innovators
We  are  outstanding  in  all
We  keep  faith  in  religion
We  are  eco-conscious


Our  philosophy

We  strongly  believe  that;
All  are  born  with  abilities.  Different  situations  make  them  learn  at  different  paces.
Teachers  play  the  role  of  the  facilitator to  strengthen  their  potentiality.


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